android 编程app_2020年用于Android App开发的顶级编程语言
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android 编程app

260万个Android应用 ( 2.6 million android apps)

around the globe. That’s a huge number which leads to stiff competition in the market.

在全球范围内。 这是一个巨大的数字,导致市场竞争激烈。

There is no other option other than offering a robust and efficient Android app to survive in this flourishing industry. The selection of the

除了提供功能强大且高效的Android应用程序以在这个蓬勃发展的行业中生存之外,别无选择。 的选择

正确的技术栈非常重要 (right tech-stack is highly important)

if you want to get a flawless development of your Android app.


According to the forecast,


到2021年第一季度,移动应用下载量将达到3529亿次 (mobile app downloads will reach 352.9 billion in the first quarter of 2021)

. Entrepreneurs are leaving no stone unturned to make their apps reach the peak of downloads and attain success.

。 企业家们将竭尽全力使他们的应用程序达到下载高峰并获得成功。

Are you wondering how will you make this happen? It is not tough if you have the knowledge and developers of the right programming tools. Out of innumerable programming languages and technologies, there are few for every purpose.

您是否想知道如何实现这一目标? 如果您拥有正确的编程工具的知识和开发人员,这并不难。 在无数的编程语言和技术中,很少有用于每种目的的语言。

For android app development too, there are some specific programming languages that can be used to achieve a supreme level of outcomes. As we all know, the software industry is highly dynamic and there is a constant introduction to new tools.

对于Android应用程序开发来说,也可以使用某些特定的编程语言来实现最高水平的结果。 众所周知,软件行业是高度动态的,并且不断引入新工具。

以下是2020年顶级的Android编程语言: (Here are the top Android programming language in 2020:)

Android程式设计语言#1:Java (Android programming language #1: Java)

It is an official programming language for Android app development. Java is the most popular option for this purpose. Most of the apps in the Play Store are developed with this programming tool.

它是用于Android应用程序开发的官方编程语言。 Java是用于此目的的最受欢迎的选项。 Play商店中的大多数应用都是使用此编程工具开发的。

The major reason behind this popularity is that this programming tool is supported by Google. Since its launch in 1995, it is being used for developing a wide array of applications. It is not easy for beginners and requires an experienced developer to handle the development process.

引起这种欢迎的主要原因是Google支持此编程工具。 自1995年推出以来,它已被用于开发各种应用程序。 对于初学者而言,这并不容易,需要经验丰富的开发人员来处理开发过程。

读得好: (Good Read:)

From where you can


以60%的成本 at 60% less cost? ?

Android程式设计语言2:Kotlin (Android programming language #2: Kotlin)

Another popular and official Android programming language is Kotlin. Moreover, it is a popular cross-platform programming language. You can say that it is a secondary Android app development language.

另一种流行且官方的Android编程语言是Kotlin。 此外,它是一种流行的跨平台编程语言。 您可以说这是Android应用开发的辅助语言。

It was announced as the official language for Android app development in 2017. A little difference between the two is that Kotlin is simple for beginners in comparison to Java. Hence, it can be considered as an entry into the Android app development.

它在2017年被宣布为Android应用程序开发的官方语言。两者之间的一点区别是,与Java相比,Kotlin对初学者来说更简单。 因此,它可以被视为进入Android应用程序开发的入口。

Android程式语言#3:C# (Android programming language #3: C#)

It is an open-source programming language that is often referred to as the most versatile programming tool. C# developers use Xamarin to develop native apps like Android and iOS. This language is also used to develop consoles, web apps, backend systems, and mobile apps.

它是一种开放源代码编程语言,通常被称为功能最丰富的编程工具。 C#开发人员使用Xamarin开发本机应用程序,例如Android和iOS。 该语言还用于开发控制台,Web应用程序,后端系统和移动应用程序。

Earlier C# used .NET framework which restricted it to the Windows platform. Another benefit of using Xamarin as a tool by C# is its simple and clean syntax which makes it highly convenient programming too to write codes.

早期的C#使用.NET框架将其限制为Windows平台。 C#使用Xamarin作为工具的另一个好处是其简单明了的语法,这也使得编写代码非常方便。

Android程式语言4:Corona (Android programming language #4: Corona )

It is a software development kit that can be used to create Android apps. In order to use it, you will need to code in Lua. It is quite easy and the complete SDK (kit) makes it even easier.

这是一个软件开发工具包,可用于创建Android应用程序。 为了使用它,您将需要在Lua中进行编码。 这非常容易,并且完整的SDK(工具包)使其变得更加容易。

Mostly, it is preferred to develop games but it is not restricted to this. Another advantage of this SDK is that it supports every native library. Hence, allows developers to publish on various platforms.

通常,最好开发游戏,但不仅限于此。 该SDK的另一个优点是它支持每个本机库。 因此,允许开发人员在各种平台上发布。

Android程式语言#5:C / C ++ (Android programming language #5: C/C++)

It not a highly recommended programming tool for Android app development. You will have to use the native software kit (NDK) to support C/C++ codes for Android Studio. You can utilize libraries that are written in C/C++.

对于Android应用程序开发,它不是强烈推荐的编程工具。 您将必须使用本机软件套件(NDK)来支持Android Studio的C / C ++代码。 您可以使用以C / C ++编写的库。

After reading about the top Android programming languages that can be used for native App development, I hope you have chosen the most appropriate tech stack for your next app. Another thing that is highly crucial for a successful native application is the right mobile app development company.

在阅读了可用于本机应用程序开发的顶级Android编程语言之后,我希望您为下一个应用程序选择了最合适的技术堆栈。 成功的本机应用程序至关重要的另一件事是正确的移动应用程序开发公司。

Here is a


推荐的5大android应用程序开发公司列表 (recommended list of top 5 android app development companies)

based on the reviews on trusted rating agencies like clutch and Goodfirms as well as the organic ranking on search engines.


#1。 :屡获殊荣的Android应用程序开发公司 (#1. : An award-winning Android app development company)

Looking for experienced as well as adroit developers? Then head straight to this company with

寻找经验丰富以及熟练的开发人员? 然后直接前往该公司

14年以上的经验。 (14+ years of experience.)

One and a half-decade of industry experience provides them with an ability to grasp the needs of clients in the first meeting itself.



客户保留率达97% (client retention rate of 97%)

speaks volumes about their efficiency and hard work. The team is well credited for its

谈到他们的效率和辛勤工作。 该团队以其出色的信誉而著称

严格的保密协议和100%退款保证 ( strict NDA and 100% money-back guarantee)

. You can avail of their Android app development services which are combined with the latest technologies like

。 您可以利用他们的Android应用程序开发服务,这些服务与最新技术相结合,例如

AI,VR,AR,区块链 (AI, VR, AR, blockchain)

, etc as per the needs of clients.


#2。 :选择最佳创意并将其变为现实 (#2. : Chooses the best ideas and change them into reality)

The team strength of Appinventiv is 250+ employees. In its journey of six years, it has expanded exponentially. Their offices are located in India, the USA, UK, and Dubai. Their team comprises of designers, developers, testers and business strategists.

Appinventiv的团队实力是250多名员工。 在六年的旅程中,它呈指数增长。 他们的办公室位于印度,美国,英国和迪拜。 他们的团队由设计师,开发人员,测试人员和业务策略师组成。

Their solutions are known for their efficiency and top-notch quality as well as results. The Appinventiv team extends its complete support to allow maximum growth to its clients with optimum android development services.

他们的解决方案以其效率,一流的质量以及结果而著称。 Appinventiv团队扩展了其全面支持,以通过最佳的android开发服务为客户提供最大的增长。

#3。 :模糊数字世界与现实世界之间的差异。 (#3. : Blurs the difference between the digital and real worlds. )

If you are looking for an android app development company that will work according to your goals, then Mutual Mobile is the best option. Their top-notch solutions find credit in every industrial domain from healthcare to tourism.

如果您正在寻找可以根据您的目标工作的android应用开发公司,那么Mutual Mobile是最佳选择。 他们的一流解决方案在从医疗保健到旅游业的每个工业领域都享有盛誉。

They are acclaimed by their clientele for bringing the vision into reality; the digital reality. The outcomes delivered by them are almost equal to the expectations of the service takers.

他们因其将愿景变为现实而受到客户的好评; 数字现实。 他们提供的成果几乎等于服务提供者的期望。

#4。 :交付了150多个项目 (#4. : Delivered 150+ projects )

It has been a decade since the inception of this efficient company in the mobile app development industry. Their team is delivering its solutions to all sizes of companies from startups to enterprise-level organizations.

自从这家高效的公司在移动应用程序开发行业成立以来已有十年了。 他们的团队正在为从初创企业到企业级组织的各种规模的公司提供解决方案。

They provide detailed consultation to their clients before starting with a project. Technologies covered in their services include artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, etc. Quytech has found its clients all over the globe throughout its journey.

在开始项目之前,他们会为客户提供详细的咨询。 其服务所涵盖的技术包括人工智能,虚拟现实,增强现实等。Quytech在其整个旅程中已经找到了遍布全球的客户。

#5。 :一家著名的Android应用程序开发公司 (#5. : A well-known Android app development company )

Since its inception in 2004, Valuecodes has expanded its team to 500+ designers, developers, QAs and testers. It has shown exponential growth in android app development market by focusing on clients from all over the globe.

自2004年成立以来,Valuecodes的团队已扩展到500多个设计师,开发人员,质量保证和测试人员。 通过关注来自全球各地的客户,它显示了android应用开发市场的指数增长。

Each of their team members possesses experience in varied domains to which they are delegated. This means that if you want to develop an android app for e-commerce business then Valuecoders will provide you a developer who has years of experience in this domain.

他们的每个团队成员都在其委派的不同领域拥有经验。 这意味着,如果您要开发用于电子商务业务的android应用程序,那么Valuecoders将为您提供在该领域具有多年经验的开发人员。

结论: (Conclusion:)

Selecting any of these tech stacks or companies have the potential to provide you with a successful application. The ideal choice for your project will be the Android app development company which possesses the capabilities to fulfill your project’s requirements.

选择这些技术堆栈或公司中的任何一个都有可能为您提供成功的应用程序。 拥有能够满足项目要求的功能的Android应用开发公司将是您项目的理想选择。

If you have any suggestions for the amendments in the list of top programming languages for android or top android development companies, then you can write to me in the comment section below.


祝您阅读愉快! (Happy reading and reviewing!)


android 编程app


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